Paige's volleyball team got beat in their first game during their league tournament, , but Paige really had a great game with 5 aces and 3 saves. Probably her best game this year. I am so proud of all her hard work. She is now debating about whether to play basketball or not. We really would like her to, but she is not so sure. She has a week to figure it out. Noah is planning on wrestling this year. We are trying to find a basketball program for him around here, but so far no luck. CJ's cousin Bryan is the coach for the wrestling club here, so we will probably give in.
Emma was thrilled
Trying to get the kitchen done before the weekend. Takes a lot of time in between coats of paint on the cupboard doors. But I love the outcome!!! It is really looking so much more me! I know that sounds so weird, but I spend so much time in the kitchen, that I want it to reflect me. Next project will be the scrapbook room/toy room. We are going to have to move Emma's toys back downstairs, as her room is so small that a twin size bed and toys can't all fit at the same time. This is where the whole organizing thing comes in. We really need to pare down to those things that we really need and love. This will be a work in progress as we all have collected so many things it is hard to decide what is most special to us. I'm hoping to get my friend Jim, the very talented woodworker that made my cubbies, to make me some shelves to match, which should help considerably. To start, this weekend we will be on the lookout for a new computer desk, as ours is broken beyond repair.
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