2006 has been a busy year once again. I know it sounds corny, but I really don't know where the time has gone. It seems like only yesterday that we were chasing baseballs and today we are baking Christmas cookies. The kids are finally healthy. Noah and Emma had a bout with pneumonia this past week, but all seems to be well now. Today is the kids' last day before break. They sure were fired up.
Paige has grown in to such a lovely young lady. She is flourishing in the sixth grade. Her grades are the best ever and she seems to really be enjoying herself. This first year with braces has really helped her self confidence. She even had a speaking part in the Christmas play at church, I couldn't believe it.
Noah is, well Noah. Loud, crazy, and just plain fun. First grade has been a breeze for him. I keep waiting for the time when it will be harder for him, but it hasn't happened yet.He is beside himself waithing for January 8th when his Buckeyes play for the National Title. He is bargaining with me to let him stay up late to watch the game.
Emma is a very busy two-year old. She wants to do everything herself. It can sometimes take forever for her to get dressed in the mornings, but I guess it is worth it. I just wish she would show this much initiative with potty training.
I hope that this finds you happy and healthy. I wish you the best for 2007.